Dendrological Evenings at the Palace

Visitors to the Amadé-Bajzáth-Pappenheim Palace in Iszkaszentgyörgy last night witnessed a touching homecoming, as the series of talks entitled “Dendrological Evenings in the Palace” was attended by none other than Sybill von Manteuffel-Szoege, the eldest granddaughter of the Pappenheim family, one of the last residents of the palace.

The event was organized by the Mayor of Iszkaszentgyörgy, Attila Gál, and was attended by Zsanett Oláh, Director of the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd. and Dr. Ágnes Herczeg, representing the Hungarian Garden Heritage Foundation, who also informed the audience about the how HGHF’s activities are related to the historical garden of the palace. The President of our Foundation recalled the first volunteer day organised by the HGHF in September this year, thanks to which a part of the palace garden with a significant historical value was enhanced. Aunt Sybill, who is now in her 98th year, is still fond of reminiscing about the good old days. She told the audience that she was delighted that a priceless collection from a plant science discipline had moved into the castle, because it brought back the spirit of her late grandfather, who loved the garden and its plants, which he looked after and tended daily. The next event in the series of talks will take place in December, when, as Christmas approaches, the renowned dendrologists will take you on a tour of the wonderful world of pine trees. This summer, the International Dendrology Foundation moved to the palace of the Fejér County town on the initiative of the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd., with the support of the HGHF. You can now see the graphic works of art depicting pine trees, created by renowned artists for the publications published so far. In addition, special and charismatic pine species such as the Lebanese Cedar, the Chilean Pine, the Italian Cypress, the Coast Redwood and the Giant Sequoia will be presented. The entrance hall features special pine cones.